Wednesday 22 May 2013


As the Class Rep, if you ensure a
positive impression, it will also
affect the class’ results positively
If you are a class rep. the kind of
impression you make in the
hearts of your lecturers will
ultimately affect the results of
your people. By definition, you are
‘the class’ in the minds of your
lecturers. You need to ensure your
lecturers hold a positive
impression about your class.
Statistics and research has shown
————— ———-
“Classes with good Class Reps
generally have good results while
classes with irresponsible Class
Reps generally have average or
bad results”.
————— ———–
I encourage you to share copies
of this book with your classmates
and discuss the Laws in this book
(especially this Law 3). It will help
you to collectively put this
principle to work in order to
commit your lecturers to help you
all excel!
The sequence is: “Develop a
passion for learning”
, then “Get
involved with learning in class”
until you “hold a positive
impression in the minds of your
lecturers”, then by law, “Your
lecturers will become committed
to ensuring you excel
academically.” Period!

For copies of the "10 Laws of Academic Excellence", contact Tolulope Ahmed on facebook
Tolulope Ahmed
Twitter as @tolulopeahmed

Available @ Lagos, UI, OAU, EKSU,
Ede Poly, LAUTECH.

Monday 20 May 2013


“You shall REAP what you SOW”. That’s the normal way we usually state the law of Sowing and Reaping. But here is what I think is the best way of stating it: ----------- “Whatever you do, or not do, is a seed. And you will reap it!” ------------ If you CONTRIBUTE in class, it is a seed you’ve sown. If you don’t contribute in class, it is also a seed. If you always GREET your lecturers, it is a seed. If you don’t greet them, it is also a seed. If youseek always their counsels, it’s a seed. If you ignore them saying “I don’t want them to know me at all!” It’s also a seed. If you DO all your assignments yourself, it’s a seed. If you always “photodub” your assignments from others, it’salso a seed…and you will surely reap it! Every action and inaction towardsyour academics will have consequences. The whole idea is this: THERE IS NO MIDDLE WAY ABOUT IT; it’s either you’re sowing the right seeds or you’re sowing the wrong ones—that’s the law of Sowing and Reaping. And it also applies to other areas of life! Principle: “The moment your lecturer gets the idea that you really desire to excel in his course,he will BECOME COMMITTED to ensuring you excel”.

Sunday 19 May 2013


How to Apply “the Acid Test” To Almost Anything in Your Life The Acid Test is defined as the true (or conclusive or decisive) test of the believability of something. The principle of the acid test says: “You cannot conclude that something is positive until it is tested with the negative and it still remains positive!” For example… 1.       You cannot be sure that somebody is not a thief