Monday 20 May 2013


“You shall REAP what you SOW”. That’s the normal way we usually state the law of Sowing and Reaping. But here is what I think is the best way of stating it: ----------- “Whatever you do, or not do, is a seed. And you will reap it!” ------------ If you CONTRIBUTE in class, it is a seed you’ve sown. If you don’t contribute in class, it is also a seed. If you always GREET your lecturers, it is a seed. If you don’t greet them, it is also a seed. If youseek always their counsels, it’s a seed. If you ignore them saying “I don’t want them to know me at all!” It’s also a seed. If you DO all your assignments yourself, it’s a seed. If you always “photodub” your assignments from others, it’salso a seed…and you will surely reap it! Every action and inaction towardsyour academics will have consequences. The whole idea is this: THERE IS NO MIDDLE WAY ABOUT IT; it’s either you’re sowing the right seeds or you’re sowing the wrong ones—that’s the law of Sowing and Reaping. And it also applies to other areas of life! Principle: “The moment your lecturer gets the idea that you really desire to excel in his course,he will BECOME COMMITTED to ensuring you excel”.

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